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Coming March 19!



Children of the Swan, an enchanting new series set in a magical Irish kingdom in the mists of time.


Ceiliúradh is an enchanted kingdom where the trees blossom and bear fruit at one and the same time. The winds blow soft down emerald glens, and the lakes and rivers are filled with fish a’plenty.


It's a wonderful place for the four princesses. Breegeen, who will one day become queen; Eilish, who has mothered her sisters since their own mother's passing; Tullia, the family beauty; and Croia, the innocent,  idealistic baby of the family.


The first book, He Moved Thro' the Fair, will be released in September. He Moved Thro’ the Fair is the story of Tristan and Breegeen, lovers cruelly torn apart by the forces of greed and evil. Three years later, Tristan returns to claim his love…only to find her being handfasted to another.

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